United Benefice of Thornhill & Whitley Lower
Serving our local communities
If you are interested in becoming our Director of Music or Organist please contact Brian Pearson 07947722385
The Community Choir is in limbo whilst we get new Conductor
Some of our services are still available on You Tube- here is the link to one of them
Music at Thornhill
The Thornhill Song The Only place to be
Together a song expressing the idea of Being Together- very popular in school.
A generous grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund has made it possible for the organ to be restored, and we plan to have the whole community learning and participating in live music in the church. For more information on the scheme, please click here.
Music development
We have just comp[leted a project to develop the music offered at Thornhill Parish Church. This includes developing the exisiting choirs in the Benefice churches, setting up a community choir, and building on our musical links with local schools.. There is some Admin support available. The Project ended in July 2019
Children regularly come into the church. Here are two photos when two local schools came to hear the restored organ demonstrated.
Community Choir. Usually Practices on Wednesdays at 1615. No auditions, no age criteria just come and enjoy singing together.
Work in schools there are regular visits to church from local schools covering many different topics run by our specialist group of colleagues. In the Let there be Music project wasa major project in place at the two Primary schools which will culminated in two concerts on 26th June 2019.
Church Choir
The choir in the Benefice is a friendly group of singers who meet for the love of singing, anyone can sing with the group, and it does not matter how much experience you have. There is no need to audition.
The choir rehearses at Thornhill church on Wednesday evenings, 6.00-7.00 pm. Everyone is welcome to join - just come along and give it a try!
Worship Group
Concerts and Recitals
The church has an active concert series and welcomes artists and performers from across the region. For details of upcoming performances, please click here.
The recently restored organ at Thornhill is a fine two-manual Binns instrument. It was restored by Malcolm Spink in 2015. The opening recital was given in May 2016 by the renowned organist Gordon Stewart. A professional recording with Gordon as artist is now available as a CD . For more information, please click here.
For more information about music at Thornhill Parish Church, please contact Brian at webeditor@thornhillparishchurch.org.uk